Section: Dissemination


Teaching by Christophe Crespelle

  • Licence : Algorithmique et programmation procédurale, 48h, niveau L1, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

  • Master : Architecture de sécurité des réseaux, 37h, niveau M2, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

  • Master : Sécurité et sûreté de fonctionnement, 12h, niveau M2, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

  • Master : Recherche opérationnelle, 24h, niveau M1, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

  • Master : Réseaux du futur, 12h, niveau M2, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

  • Master : Grands graphes de terrain, 18h, niveau M2, ENS de Lyon, France

Teaching by Eric Fleury

  • Eric Fleury is a professor at ENS Lyon in the Computer Science Department since 2007. The ENS de Lyon is one of the four Ecoles normales supérieures in France.

  • Licence : "Introduction to Algorithm" and "Architecture, System and Networking".

  • Eric Fleury is in charge for the CS department of the option in modeling complex systems .

  • Since September 2009, Eric Fleury is the Head of the Computer Science Department at ENS de Lyon.

Teaching by Guillaume Chelius


  • PhD in progress : Andreea Chis, Methods and tools for the compilation and software optimization of wireless embedded systems dedicated to applications, October 2007 - January 2012, E. Fleury and A. Fraboulet

  • PhD in progress : Qinna Wang, Uncovering overlapping dynamic communities, October 2008 - march 2012, E. Fleury

  • PhD in progress : Adrien Friggeri, Exploring Socially Cohesive Communities, September 2009 - October 2012, E. Fleury and G. Chelius

  • PhD in progress : Lucie Martinet, iBird: Individual Based Investigation of Resistance Dissemination, September 2011, E. Fleury and C. Crespelle